2324Xclusive Update:[VIDEO] Nicki Minaj takes her talent to another level

Nicki Minaj is lending her voice (and multiple personalities) to the small screen for Cartoon Network’s Steven Universe. Guest starring as the character Sugilite, the role fits the rapstress like a designer glove.
In the “Coach Steven” episode, Sugilite is the larger-than-life, charismatic combination of two of the show’s characters: Garnet and Amethyst. When a job is too big for either of them to tackle alone, fierce Garnet and overzealous Amethyst fuse to create Sugilite, who “can be a little unstable.”
With lines like “I forgot how great it feels to be me,” and “maybe you’re just too little,” it seems Nicki Minaj pours her own extremities into the animated character.
Peep a clip of Nicki Minaj’s Steven Universe episode below (2:23 mark). She lands on Cartoon Network on Aug. 21 at 6:30pm EST.

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