2324Xclusive Sport; 5 Highest Paid Football Players (Per Week)

It is often discussed who is paid how much for what they do, and whether or not footballers deserve their hefty pay checks. Well I'm going to move away from that trend and ask another question. Out of all of these extortionately paid players who earns the most? Below is a list of the highest paid players but only from their club, not added endorsements:
Honourable mention.
 David Beckham (£78K Per Week)
David Beckham often makes it on to these top paid lists but only because of added endorsements, not from his actual club football. I feel it is necessary to mention the man who has been topping rich list for almost 15 years despite the fact he only earns a measly 78K a week nowadays. How disappointing.
5th Place : Daniel "Danny" Alves (£200K Per Week)
When I looked up my football manager database to see who earns the most I was surprised to see Mr Alves make the top 5. I was more expecting Tevez who actually only earns a sorry £180K a week (now you can see why he didn't want to play) or Wayne Rooney who earns the same amount as Tevez. Danny Alves the Barcelona left back bags himself around £200K a week but with a move to Anji (the owners of Eto'o) in the balance this could be almost doubled. Scary I know.
4th Place : Kaka (£210K Per Week)
For 210K a week he really is nothing special. Ok I am the first to admit when he signed for the mighty Madrid he was still an outstanding player but not so much any more. Madrid will probably wipe their hands clean of him when his contract expires in a couple of years to help reduce their ever-growing wage bill, so don’t expect him to hang around this list for too much longer. That is of course unless Anji want a piece of him.
3rd Place : Cristiano Ronaldo (£240K Per Week)
Would you "adam and eve it" money hungry Ronaldo is only in 3rd spot. After absolutely destroying the record transfer fee ever paid he is now getting paid a juicy £240K a week. Not bad for a boy that comes from Sporting Lisbon, huh? I don’t think Mr Ronaldo will be leaving any time soon and his contract still has about 4 years to run so I see him staying the Madrid outfit for the foreseeable future, even if PSG want to disagree with my statement.
2nd Place : Zlatan Ibrahimovic (£260K Per Week)
For some reason I don't think Mr ego Ibrahimovic is satisfied with being number 2 highest paid player. In fact I wouldn't put it past him in his next contract discussion to ask for even more money. There is no doubting the fact Zlatan is one of the top players to be gracing our pitches at the present moment but does he really need £260K a week to do so? As I said I will leave that discussion to one of the other million writers that pumps out an article about it every 20 seconds.
1st Place : Lionel Messi (£275K Per Week)
Why did the chicken cross the road? Because Lionel Messi paid the chicken £5000 to do so. Why did he do that? Because he earns £275K a week to do it with. Yes the top of our list is indeed the best player in the list, which in the only bit of justice I can find in the pile wage injustice. Lionel Messi defiantly has the cash to splash and I am sure he finds a way to spend it. Does leave you to think though how does he waste all that money? Thankfully I think Messi is one of those players that gives a lot to charities. Phew.
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